Take your health and healing into your own hands (registration open until July 9th)
Do you want to start using essential oils to bring about a healthier and more natural lifestyle?
Are you a bit overwhelmed with all the choice and unsure of where to start?
Would you like someone to show you an easy, practical way to get you started with only 8 basic oils straight away?
What if you could be up and running with your new, healthy routine in just 10 days?
Join me on the Quick Road to Health course where we'll be learning and implementing SIMPLE, healthy habits using only 8 essential oils and oil blends.
When we're done you will have:
- A quick and effective morning routine that helps you feel more awake, grounded and ready to take on the day.
- Easy solutions to use throughout the day to manage mood, support your immune system and digestion.
- A simple yet luxurious evening routine that helps you unwind from the day and prepare you for a restful night's sleep.
- A personal protocol designed for any specific health/emotional issues you would like to deal with.
- Confidence in your new tools (the oils!) and how to use them in your everyday life.
This course includes all of the following:
- 1 essential oils kit (8 x5ml essential oils, 1 x115ml fractionated coconut oil, 1 petal diffuser)
- 3 (60-minute) online classes: Physical Health (July 14th, 7pm), Emotional Health (July 17th, 7pm), Daily Integration (July 21, 7pm)
- 1 (30-minute) private wellness session with Liz
In addition, you can look forward to 25% discount (with up to an additional 10-30% with doTERRA's loyalty rewards program) on future Doterra purchases and access to free online classes. You'll also be invited to join our well-developed, active community on Facebook.
Please note, this offer is only open to new members of doTERRA. If you already have an account, contact me for other solutions and/or offers tailored to you.